Asta 45 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika, Art, Israeliana and more
Da Moreshet
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israele
Auction No. 45 It will be held on Monday the 17th of the Av 5781 • 26.07.2021 • At 19:00 Israel time Have questions about items? You can also contact us via WhatsApp at: +972-3-9050090
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LOTTO 219:

Ateret Shlomo (Radomask, chassidut). First edition, Pietrekov 1926.

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 90
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
26.7.21 in Moreshet

Ateret Shlomo (Radomask, chassidut). First edition, Pietrekov 1926.

Ateret Shlomo, with chiddushei Torah, hanhagot and stories from the Admor Rabbi Shlomo HaKohen of Radomask (the Tiferet Shlomo). Edited and organized by his grandson, Rabbi Yitzhak Mordcehai HaKohen Rabinowitz, Av Beit Din of Plovna.

[8], 96 pages. Approbations from Admor Rabbi Meir Yehiel of Ostrovtza, and the author’s grandsons who were Admorim, and more. Printed binding (worn), brittle paper, tears, overall fair condition.