Subasta 21 Jewish history and the establishment of the state of Israel
Por Safra and Saifa
52 Hertzel st. Kfar - Saba , Israel

srael, Settlement, Antisemitism, She'erit HaPleita -

Photographs, Letters, Documents and Newspapers from the Israeli Wars and the Establishment of the State, Research Books - Palestine, Ancient maps,

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La subasta ha concluído

LOTE 18:

Collection of 7 publications by the British Mandate authorities - 1922-1937

Vendido por: $70
Precio inicial:
$ 70
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23% Más detalles
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
12.10.21 en Safra and Saifa

Collection of 7 publications by the British Mandate authorities - 1922-1937
1. Department of Commerce, Special Report no. 83, Palestine 1922
2. Memorandum 1926, to the permanent Mandates Commissin by the National Council of the jewis of Palestine
3. Agreement between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon 1926, London
4. Report on the Economic and Financial Situation of Palestine, 1927
5. Report of the Palestine Enquiry Commission 1929,
6. Official Report, Parliamentary Debates House of Commons , 1939
7. Palestine Royal Commission , summary of report, כולל מפת החלוקה
כריכות רכות
מצבים משתנים
כתמי הצהבה
מצב כללי טוב