Auction 79 Judaica from the Finkelstein Family Collection
De la Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOT 12:

Reformaçaö das Escamoth, Reglamentos, e ordençoens para o bom governo da Santa Irmandade Mishenet Zequenim, Bordaò ...

Preț de început:
$ 5,000
Preț aproximativ :
$10,000 - $12,000
Comision casă de licitații: 25%
VAT: 18% Doar pentru comision
21.6.21 at Kedem

Reformaçaö das Escamoth, Reglamentos, e ordençoens para o bom governo da Santa Irmandade Mishenet Zequenim, Bordaò dos Velhos, Istituida nesta cidade Amsterdam, em 19 Tebeth 5510 para amparo de Velhos, e Velhas, desvalidos. 5513 [1753]. 32 pp, 19.5 cm.

Twelve booklets published by and for the Talmud Torah Portuguese congregation in Amsterdam, including sermons for various occasions, regulations of the affiliated Mish'enet Zekenim society and regulations of the community. The title pages of most of the booklets state that they were published with the license of members of the Mahamad (the community's governing body). Amsterdam, 1720-1788.
1. Triumphos da Virtude (Triumph of Virtue), sermon delivered by R. David HaKohen D'Azevedo, rabbi of the Portuguese congregarion in Amsterdam, in honor of the birthday of William V, stadtholder of the Dutch Republic and Prince of Orange-Nassau, on March 8, 1788. That year, with the struggle between the Patriots fighting for a democratic rule in the Netherlands and the Orangists who supported the prince's rule in the background, the Kahal Talmud Torah declared its loyalty to the House of Orange. The prince repaid them with a visit to the Esnoga, the congragation's synagogue (on which occasion the present sermon was presumably delivered), and with his greetings, extended in part in Hebrew. Portuguese and some Hebrew.
2-8. Seven sermons delivered in the synagogue of the Kahal Talmud Torah in Amsterdam in 1720-1786, by various speakers, including scholars of the Ets Haim academy, rabbis of the congregation and others. Portuguese and some Hebrew.
One of the sermons was delivered by R. Jeossuah Hisquiau de Cordova, rabbi of the Jewish community in Jamaica. De Cordova was born in Amsterdam in 1720. He immigrated to Curacao in 1749, where he served as teacher and preacher. In 1755, he relocated to Jamaica, and was appointed rabbi of the Spanish-Portuguese communities in Kingston, Spanish Town and Port Royal, serving as leader of Jamaican Jewry until his passing in 1797.
9. Sermon delivered in the Shaare Rahamim synagogue in Bordeaux, by R. Ishak Mendes Belisario, preacher in the Shaar HaShamayim congregation and president of the Ets Haim yeshiva affiliated with the Shaar HaShamayim congregation in London. Published in Amsterdam with the consent of the members of the Mahamad and R. Selomoh Salem, rabbi of the Kahal Talmud Torah, 1765. Spanish and some Hebrew.
10-11. Two booklets listing the regulations of the Mishenet Zekenim society, the old-age home affiliated with the Kahal Talmud Torah in Amsterdam. 1750, 1753. Portuguese and some Hebrew.
The Spanish-Portuguese community was established in Amsterdam by an increasing flow of Jews drawn there for its relative religious tolerance and commerce opportunities. The 1579 Union of Utrecht declared that no person would be persecuted or interrogated on religious grounds, which made the city the destination of choice for Marranos from the Iberian Peninsula and southern France who wished to begin practicing Judaism openly. In its early years in the late 16th century, the community was not officially recognized and was banned from building a synagogue. Towards the mid-17th century, the city was already home to some 2500 Jews; the small congregations – Neveh Shalom, Beit Yisrael and Beit Yaakov – united in 1639 to form a Sephardic congregation named Talmud Torah, and in 1675, the congregation inaugurated its magnificent synagogue, the Esnoga, active to this very day. The elite of the Sephardic society contributed much to the economy of the city and to Dutch colonization efforts, and the great benefit they brought to the city led the authorities to grant the community extensive freedom and autonomous rights. The members of the community became prominent physicians, philosophers, poets and rabbis. Amsterdam was one of the prominent printing centers in Europe, and was home to Jewish printers renowned for their high standards of work. The present booklets testify to the accessibility of printing and its quality.
12 booklets. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition.

List of Booklets:
1. Sermam Moral, Pregado neste K.K. de T.T. pello docto H.R. Daniel Cohen Rodriguez. Selomoh Proops Press, 5480 [1720]. 27 pp, 18.5 cm.
2. Sermam Moral, que neste K.K. de T.T. prégou Jeossuah Hisquiau de Cordova. 5504 [1744]. 19 pp, 23.5 cm.
3. Sermaõ Exhortatorio, Pregado no K.K. de T.T. em Amsterdam, por O Doctissimo Senhor Haham Morenu A-Rab R. Ishac Haim Abendana de Britto. 5513 [1753]. 29 pp, 23.5 cm.
4. Sermaõ do Nada Moralmente Simbolizado, Que pregou neste K.K. de Talmud Torá, Em Sabath Nassó, 4 de Sivan, Ao. 5521. Ishac de Eliau Cohen Belinfante. 5521 [1761]. IV, 22 pp, 23 cm.
5. Sermon Penitencial Predicado en Bordeus […] por R. Ishac Mendes Belisario, quien fue Predicator en el […] Santa Congrega [Shaar HaShamayim] en Londres. Printed with the license of R. Selomoh Salem, Rabbi of the Talmud Torah community. Israel Mondovy for Gerhard Johan Janson, 5526 (1765). [1], 27 pp, 23 cm.
6. Sermaô da Liberdade. Pregado neste K.K. de Talmud Tora em quarta feira 28 Jiar, Anno 5527. Por R. David de Abraham Haim de Jahacob de Selomoh de Meza. Israel Mondovy for Gerhard Johan Janson, 5527 [1767]. 15 pp, 22.5 cm.
7. Sermaô Moral, Pregado neste K.K. de Talmud Tora, Em Sabat Emor, 13 Jiar, Anno 5532. Por R. David de Abraham Haim de Jahacob de Selomoh de Meza. Israel Mondovy for Gerhard Johan Janson, 5532 [1772]. 15 pp, 22 cm.
8. Sermaõ Moral Sobre o Pezo do Pecado, que neste K.K. T.T. pregou Dd. de ABm. Hm. de JAb. de [David de Abraham Haim de Jahacob] Selomoh de Meza. David de H.H.R. Rephael Meldola Press, 5547 [1787]. [4], 12 pp, 22 cm.
9. Triumphos da Virtude. Sermaõ pregado, a occasioaõ do natalicio de sua Altesa Serenissima Guillermo Vo, Principe de Orange e Nassau, Stadhouder Hereditario das Sete ProvIncias Unidas, &c. &c. &c. Solemnemente Celebrado na Synagoga des Judeus Portugueses de Amsterdam em dia de 8 de Março do Anno 1788. Por o Doctissimo Senhor HHm. Morenu Verabenu Acohen D'Azevedo. David de H. H. R. Rephael Meldola Press, [1788]. [2] ff, 26 pp, 27 cm.
10. Novo Reglamento para à Irmandade de T. T. & Es-Haim. Ishac Jeuda Leao Templo Press, [5488-1728]. 55 pp, 21.5 cm.
11. Escamoth, Reglamentos, e Ordenças para o bom governo da Santa Irmandade Mishenet Zequenim, Bordaò dos Velhos, Istituida nesta cidade Amsterdam, para amparo de Velhos, e Velhas, desvalidos. 5510 [1750]. [3] ff, 10 pp, 19.5 cm.