Leilão 238 Stamps and covers from the Estate of the late Menachem Niv Z"L and other Estates
28.7.16 (A sua hora local)
 16 Galgaley Haplada , Herzlia

Palestine from Turkish rule till end of Brit. Mandate

Israel 1948 Interim period, and foreign countries.

Catalogue edited by: Eitan Amiri and Raphael Wormser

O leilão terminou

LOTE 033:

Ghana stamps collection 1957 to 1965, mostly MNH, incl. duplicates.

Preço inicial:
$ 40
Comissão da leiloeira: 19%
IVA: Sobre a comissão apenas

Ghana stamps collection 1957 to 1965, mostly MNH, incl. duplicates.