Asta 6 Decorative objects, porcelain, crystal, silver items, Judaica, Israelina, jewelry, furniture and more
Da The Bidder
Rothschild 49, Mazkeret Batia, Israele

Internet only auction - no floor participation.

L'asta è terminata

LOTTO 122:

Big lot of old kodesh books, including Mahzor Kol-Bo, Sinai publishing, Pele Yoetz Sheni, Jacob Haddad printing ...

Venduto per: $30
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 30
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 15%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
20.7.16 in The Bidder

Big lot of old kodesh books, including Mahzor Kol-Bo, Sinai publishing, Pele Yoetz Sheni, Jacob Haddad printing, Djerba Tunisia, Seder Tfilot Kol Po,Vienna, 1891, Joseph and some little Hannah blessed, Jerusalem Tst "M, and more. In different conditions.