Asta 6 Decorative objects, porcelain, crystal, silver items, Judaica, Israelina, jewelry, furniture and more
20.7.16 (Il tuo orario)
 Rothschild 49, Mazkeret Batia

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LOTTO 114:

Lot 4 kodesh books

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 70
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 15%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione

Lot 4 kodesh books
Lot 4 kodesh books: 1. Mahzor Zuta to Pentecost, Spain custom, published by Abraham Cahan, Warsaw, 1927, 2. Book ends of the earth to the Torah, Genesis, Monkats, 1900, 3. Book ends of the earth to the Torah, Vikra Bamidber Dvarim, Mokats, 1911, 4. Noam Megadim and honor the Torah, the Rabbi Governor David zvi Printing, Lemberg, 1859. different conditions.