Asta 38 Parte 1 Antiques, collectibles, silver items, jewelry including pocket watches collection
Da Ishtar
ZOA house, Daniel Perish 1, Tel-Aviv, Israele
L'asta è terminata

LOTTO 309:

Tray dedicated to Abba Eban (Israel)

Venduto per: $160
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 100
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 19%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
13.6.16 in Ishtar

Tray dedicated to Abba Eban (Israel)
A Mid Century American silver plated tray, presented by the Cleveland Jewish Welfare Fund Appeal to Abba Eban. With his engraved initials in Hebrew and English. Stands on four feet. Length (including the handle): 78 cm. Width: 49.5 cm. From the Abba and Susan Eban estate.