Subasta 37 A special Chabad auction on the honor of the 70th of the presidency of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Yud Shvat, 5711 - 5781
13.1.21 (Su hora local)
 Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak
Auction No. 37 It will be held on Wednesday the 29th of the Tevet 5781 • 13.01.2020 • At 19:00 Israel time Have questions about items? You can also contact us via WhatsApp at: +972-3-9050090
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LOTE 038:

Collection of 10 “Teshura” (gift) books and booklets

Precio inicial:
$ 50
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% Sólo en comisión
etiquetas: Libros

Collection of 10 “Teshura” (gift) books and booklets
1. Likkut 14th Kislev 1979—published for the 50th wedding anniversary of the Rebbe, from conversations and letters of the Rebbe on Erusin and Nisuin, including a description of the Rebbe’s wedding. Published by Kehat. Accompanied by Lecha Dodi, 1954, 1979.
2. Klalei Rashi in his commentary on the Torah, based on conversations of the Rebbe edited by Rabbi Tuvya Blau. A teshura from the wedding of Baruch and Batsheva Blau, Kfar Chabad, Tammuz 2015
3. Wedding lists written by the Rebbe with wedding letters from his father Rabbi Levi Yitzhak, a teshura from the wedding of Yosef Yitzhak and Chana Ruth Halperin, Adar 1999
4. Hitva’adut Vayetze, 10th Kislev 1989, a teshura from the wedding of Shimshon and Batya Feizam, Kislev 1989
5. Ma’amar Ita in Midrash Tehillim with English translation, printed with Birkat HaMazon, a teshura from the bar mitzvah of Levi Yitzhak Atel, Cheshvan 1996.
6. Minhagei Melech, teshura from the wedding of Yehuda Leib and Chana Dunin. Adar 1996.
7. Zore’ah Tzdakot Matzmiach Yeshuot, a collection chosen from Imrot Tehorot, divrei Torah and bracha from the Rebbe when giving out dollars, given as a teshura at the wedding of Moshe and Elka Melamed, Tammuz 1993.
8. Or HaMeir HaDaf, teshura from the wedding of Shmuel Asher and Chana Weisman, Adar 2009.
9. Bayit B’Yisrael Binyan Adei Ad, from sichot, letters, and lessons of the Rebbe, published by the Lubavitch Institute through the Tzach Israel, 2003. Teshura from the wedding of Shmuel and Leah Aharonov.
10. Teshura from the wedding of Menachem Mendel and Mirel Bracha Strasberg, Adar 2001.
Includes documents from the Rebbe and the Rayatz, some published for the first time.