Israeli art
1.4.16 (Il tuo orario)
 36 Gordon Street, Tel Aviv
L'asta è terminata

LOTTO 133:

Elyahu Sigard 1901 - 1975
Figure and Donkey

Prezzo stimato:
$ 1,000 - $1,500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
IVA: Solo su commissione

Figure and Donkey
Oil on canvas, 62X50 cm, Signed.

About The Artist:

Eliahu Sigad (Sigard), painter, born 1901, Lithuania. Moved to Israel 1925. Founder of Israeli Painters' Association. Died 1975.


Riga, architecture and drawing

Colarossi Academy, Paris, France

1930 Grande Chaumiere, Paris, France

Awards and Prizes:

1938 Dizengoff Prize, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv

1945-46, Dizengoff Prize, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv

1945 Ramat Gan Prize

1946 Ramat Gan Prize

1956 First Prize At the Exhibition of the Landscape of Tiberias, First prize

1958 Second Prize in the Tenth National Israeli Exhibition, Ramat Gan