Israeli art
1.4.16 (Il tuo orario)
 36 Gordon Street, Tel Aviv
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LOTTO 119:

Itzhak Danziger 1916 - 1977

Prezzo stimato:
$ 100 - $150
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
IVA: Solo su commissione

Lithograph, 34X50 cm, Signed and numbered 30/110.
About The Artist:

sculptor and painter, born 1916, Berlin. In 1958 was elected member of the Public Council for Culture and the Arts. In 1968 was appointed Assocoate Professor in the Faculty of Architecture at the Technion Institute, Haifa. In 1971 was appointed artistic adviser to the Negev University Campus. In 1972 was appointed member of the Board of Higher Education of the Ministery of Education and Culture. In the late 1960s, saw the work of the artist as serving as the agent for "assuring the perpetuation of that fragile link between man and the place dearest to him" ("Makom", Mordechai Omer). This approach obligates the artist to deal - beyond his creativity in the plastic arts - with organizing interdisciplinary systems: ecology, geography, anthropology, and archaeology. Danziger saw importance in the identification of man with the magic cycle of Creation. The integration of modernism and mythology characterize Danziger's work, which in turn influenced others. In the art of Ygael Tumarkin, Micha Ullman, and younger artists, there is a leaning towards Danziger's work, in contrast to other approaches to nature by artists of the 1970s, such as Christo or Heiser. In 1977 was killed in a road accident near Ramla, on his way to Jerusalem.


1923-25 Private school for progressive education, run by Deborah Calin

1925 Bezalel School, remedial lessons under the private tutelage of Zohara Schatz

1926-29 Hebrew Gymnasium in the Bokharian quarter and later in Rehavia

1930-32 Bible and history, Gymnasia Herzelia

1932-33 Reali School, Haifa

1933-34 Ottershaw Colleage, Surrey outside London

1934-37 Sculpture with sculptor Gerrard, Slade School of Fine Arts, University of London

1951-52 Garden landscaping, School of the Architecture Association (A.A.), London


1955 Three-dimentional design, Faculty of Architecture at the Technion, Haifa

Awards and Prizes

1945 The Dizengoff Prize for Painting and Sculpture, Municipality of Tel Aviv Jaffa, Tel Aviv

1968 Israel Prize for Sculpture

Environmental Sculptures

1957 The Shlomo Ben Joseph Monument, Rosh Pina

1958 Stone wall with symbols from the period of the Judean Kings at the entrance to the Hebrew University, Givat Ram Campus, Jerusalem

1962 "For the Fallen", welded iron 2.6 m. height, Yad Lebanim Memorial, Holon

1967 Monumental Portrait of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, The Jabotinsky Institute, Tel Aviv-Yaffo

1969 "Memorial for the Pioneers of the Illegal Immigration", entrance to the Maritime Museum, Haifa

1971 "The Rehabilitation of the Nesher Quarry" project, Haifa

1975 "Serpentine", landscape sculpture in white, commissioned by the Tel Aviv Foundation for Literature and the Arts, Yarkon Park, Tel Aviv