Israeli art
1.4.16 (na sua hora local)
 36 Gordon Street, Tel Aviv
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LOTE 17:

Arieh Aroch 1908 - 1974
Intersecting Heads, 1970

Preço estimado:
$ 500 - $700
Comissão da leiloeira: 20%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Intersecting Heads, 1970
Lithograph, 65X50 cm, Signed and numbered 11/80.

About The Artist:

painter, born 1908, Kharkov, Russia.He participated in the Meyerowitz Artists Group in Zichron Yakov. From 1949-1953 he served in the Israeli diplomatic Office in Moscow; from 1956-1959 he was the Israeli Ambassador to Brazil; from 1959-1962 he was the Israeli Ambasador to Sweden; in 1963 he returned to Israel, retired, and devoted himself to art in Jerusalem where he died in 1974. Arie Aroch, though a member of the "New Horizons" from 1947,(see "New Horizons"), suggested an alternative to lyric abstraction, proposing a greater concentration on form; personal statement instead of objectivity; unconventional techniques instead of methodical professionalism, and a more eclectic approach instead of French abstractionism. Aroch's sources for his art works include children's drawings, found objects, folk and traditional characters, and persons remembered from childhood. His thought and techniques (erasing, scratching, scribbling) influenced Israeli young painters such as Aviva Uri and Raffi Lavie.


1924-26 Bezalel Academy, Jerusalem

1926-28 Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium, Tel Aviv

1934-35 Colarossi, Paris, with Leger

Awards and Prizes

1942 The Dizengoff Prize for Painting and Sculpture, Municipality of Tel Aviv Jaffa, Tel Aviv

1955 Tel Aviv Museum's Dizengoff Prize

1968 The Sandberg Prize for Israeli Art, Israel Museum, Jerusalem

1971 Israel Prize for Painting