Leilão 6 Parte 2 Kodesh books, manuscripts, rabbinical letters, Judaica
13.4.16 (na sua hora local)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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LOTE 268:

Collection of Books - She'erit Hapletah

Vendido por: $150
Preço inicial:
$ 150
Comissão da leiloeira: 19%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Collection of Books - She'erit Hapletah
a. Responsa Avnei Chefetz by Rabbi Aharon Levine on the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch. Munich 1947.
At the beginning of the book is a special page with a biography of the author.
b. Keset HaSofer. Second edition. Part One. Published by the Va'ad Hatzala. Munich 1947. (Without a cover).
c. Siddur Kol Bo. With a memorial prayer for the holy souls. The Yartzeit calendar for the holy ones of our nation. Sinai Publishing. Munich 1947.
d. Megillat Esther. Published by the Va'ad Hatzala. With the commentary Ruach Ve'HaTzel by Rabbi Chaim Zvi Hirsch Broide.
Munich 1947.
e. Pesach Haggada, printed by YAFE Fernwald. Germany 1946. Cardboard cover with illustrations.
Condition: Good - Very Good.