Leilão 5 Parte 2 Kodesh books, manuscripts, rabbinical letters, Judaica
25.2.16 (na sua hora local)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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LOTE 504:

Chabbad Siddurim

Vendido por: $190
Preço inicial:
$ 150
Comissão da leiloeira: 19%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Chabbad Siddurim
a. Prayer Book with Likutei Torah, Vilna 1912.
"According to Nussach Ari with all of the laws and customs which our rabbi and teacher Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi established and in addition Likutei Torah". With a rare approbation from Rebbe Shalom Dov of Rechitsa, the grandson of the "Tzemach Tzedek".
360 pages.
Condition: Very Good.
b. Chabad Prayer Book, according to Nussach Ha'Ari part 1, Warsaw 1887.
Chabad Prayer Book part 1 (Shacharit, Grace after Meals and more) with a commentary of the Admor Hazaken, with three letters from him which are printed here for the first time.
238 pages.
Condition: Good.