Leilão 5 Parte 2 Kodesh books, manuscripts, rabbinical letters, Judaica
Por Jerusalem of gold
Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem, Israel
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LOTE 478:

Three Books with Signatures of Rabbis

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$ 150
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25.2.16 em Jerusalem of gold

Three Books with Signatures of Rabbis
A. Chovat Ha'Levavot, Lemberg 1871.
With stamps of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Gordon (1853-1925) the rabbi of various cities in Belarus and Poland and head of yeshiva in Lithuania and Poland, at the end of his days, he became the rabbi of Lomza, thus his title "The Gaon of Lomza". The author of "Degel Yehuda" and the "Divrei Yehuda" and "Teshuvot Yehuda" Responsa.
Condition: Good. Slightly falling apart. The title page is worn out as well as the cover. Two pages at the beginning of the book are missing.
B. Millin Derabanan, Warsaw 1881.
A photocopy of the title page of the first edition (1875) appears on the title page.
Handwritten signature of Rabbi Dov Arye Riter (1855-1936), rabbi in Prenzlau and Rotterdam. On eof the greatest rabbis of Holland.
Size: 13 cm.
Condition: Good. Fragile pages.
C. Penei Yehoshua, Sudilkov 1834.
Signature of Rabbi Binyamin Ha'Cohen Shikovitzki: "From the books of Binyamin Ha'Cohen of Minsk".
Rabbi Binyamin Ha'Cohen Shikovitzki (died in 1939) "The Maggid of Minsk", the last of the famous Maggidim of Russia. Was born in Eishyshok. In his youth he was called "Ha'Maggid Ha'Bachur of Eishyshok". He travelled from Minsk to various towns, giving sermons.
Condition: Good. Non-original cover.