Аукцион 5 Часть 2 Kodesh books, manuscripts, rabbinical letters, Judaica
25.2.16 (локальном времени Вашего часового пояса)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
Аукцион закончен

ЛОТ 444:

Nine Passover Haggadot

Продан за: $140
Стартовая цена:
$ 140
Комиссия аукционного дома: 19%
НДС: Только на комиссию

a. Pesach Haggada, Lemberg 1898.
With the commentary Gevurot Yisrael and Matte Moshe by Rabbi Yisrael of Kuzhnitz and his son Rabbi Moshe Elyakim Beriya.
With the signature and stamp of Rabbi Yissachar Dov Goldenstein, the Rosh Kollel of "Shomrei HaChomot" and the rabbi of the community Chug Chatam Sofer in Jerusalem, the author of the book "Likutei HeArot" on the responsa of the Chatam Sofer.
Yaari 1550, Otzar HaHaggadot 2071.
36 pages.
Condition: Good.
b. Pesach Haggada in three languages, Tunis 1940.
On the title pages "a Pesach haggada in three languages, source, Arabic and French". The commentary is in Arabic in Hebrew letters. There are also pictures. On the last page is an advertisement for the center of the Jewish Community.
Otzar HaHaggadot 3841.
32 pages.
Condition: Excellent. Re-covered.
c. Pesach Haggada with pictures, Jerusalem 1922.
"A Pesach Haggada with large and clear letters and with vowels with pictures printed in Jerusalem the Land of Israel, Y Halperin press". With a bookplate with the writing "from the books of Rabbi Eliezer son of Rabbi Avraham Moshe HaLevi" (Rabbi Eliezer Dunner, who served as the rabbi of Amsterdam and of other communities).
Yaari 1943; Otzar HaHaggadot 2872.
28 pages.
Condition: Good.
d. Pesach Haggada with 238 commentaries and additions, Podgórze 1905.
Yaari 1969; Otzar HaHaggadot 2314.
144 pages.
Condition: Good. Title page with red ink.
e. Pesach Haggada with ten commentaries, Vilna 1880.
Romm Press. Two title pages – a general title page and a detailed title page.
Yaari 1163; Otzar HaHaggadot 1539.
76 pages.
Ownership stamp.
Condition: Fair.
f. Pesach Haggada drawn by Nachum Gutman, Tel Aviv 1936.
Published by "Omanut". Pictorial cover – title page, with typographic motifs.
Otzar HaHaggadot 3601.
43 pages.
Condition: Excellent.
g. Pesach Haggada, Prague 1879.
With a translation to German by Dr. Rafael J. Fuerstenthal in facing columns. Drawings.
Yaari 1153; Otzar HaHaggadot 1532.
Includes a document for selling chametz.
63 pages.
Condition: Good.
h. Pesach Haggada Divrei Alfas, Lodz 1933.
"With a new commentary Divrei Alfas and Geulat Yisrael and with pretty pictures, and many other distinctions and additions". With a comprehensive commentary in Yiddish, impressive pictures and engravings. The haggada was also printed in Warsaw in the same year.
Otzar HaHaggadot 3446.
56 pages.
Condition: Very Good. Re-bound.
i. Haggada Leil Shimurim, New York 1912.
A haggada translated to English, in opposing columns. At the end of it are printed musical notes to the piyutim Chad Gadya, Echad Mi Yodea and Ki Lo Nae, composed by the musician Henry Alexander Russotto.
It seems that the haggada was sent to the donors of the "Rabeinu Jacob Josef" Yeshiva, and at the beginning and the end are included letters in English and in Yiddish which call to support the yeshiva which was established in memory of "HaRav HaKollel" Rabbi Yaakov Yosef. The yeshiva numbered 500 [!] students at the time. In the letter is noted that the price of yeshiva's uptake is $85,000 a year.
This haggada is not found in the existing collections. The haggada seems to be a shortened version of a haggadda with the same name which appeared in the same year, and in many other editions, with 62 pages, whereas the edition before us is only 44 pages.
About the extended edition see: Yaari 1812; Otzar HaHaggadot 2552.
44 pages.
Condition: Good. Water damage. Damaged cover.