Leilão 5 Parte 2 Kodesh books, manuscripts, rabbinical letters, Judaica
25.2.16 (na sua hora local)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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LOTE 345:

Three Rare Booklets – German Jewry – 1903-1934

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$ 100
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Three Rare Booklets – German Jewry – 1903-1934
A. Booklet in memory of Rabbi Dr. Meir Hildesheimer by Rabbi Dr. Yosef Zvi Karlibach, German-Gothic [1934]
Rabbi Yosef Karlibach (1883-1942) was one of the greatest rabbis of Germany. He became the rabbi of Altona in 1926, and the rabbi of Hamburg in 1936. There he served until he was murdered by the Nazis.
Rabbi Karlibach wrote the booklet in memory of Rabbi Dr. Meir Hildesheimer (1864-1934), a well-known, important rabbi in Germany, who was the manager of the Beit Midrash for rabbis in Berlin and the son of the founder of the Beit Midrash, Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer.
13 pp.
15 cm.
Condition: Very Good.
Rare booklet! Is not registered by the Bibliography enterprise. A single copy appears in the National Library.
B. Seder Hosha'anot according to the Custom of Poland, edited by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Itzkovsky, Berlin 1903.
Seder Hosha'anot in Hebrew. Short directions in German. An additional title page in German.
On the inner cover there is a pencil illustration of the owner of the book, Ya'akov Oppenheimer, 1919. Inside the book, there is a ticket inGerman indicating that a seat was preserved for Ya'akov Oppenheimer in the "Adat Yisrael" synagogue in Berlin, 1938. The ticket is stamped with the stamp of the synagogue.
45 pp.
12.5 cm.
Condition: Very Good.
Rare. Is not registered by the Bibliography enterprise.
C. 1924-1925 Calendar, Published by Lerberger, Frankfurt.
Hebrew-German Calendar booklet.
The booklet contains the Sabbath times, a detailed table of Haftarot, the prayer times on Sabbath and the days of the week of the central synagogue of Frankfurt.
At the end of the booklet, Seder Sfirat Ha'Omer according to the Gregorian date. The booklet also contains a Bar Mitzvah table specifying the Parashat Bar Mitzvah of children who will celebrate their Bar Mitzvah during 1924-1925.
On the inner jacket there is an advertisement for the Hoffman Hotel with its illustration. At the end of the booklet there are advertisements for shops and businesses of Judaica, catalogue of a religious publishing house and more.
20 pp.
11 cm.
Condition: Very Good. The jacket is torn.
Rare! Is not registered by the Bibliography enterprise.