Leilão 8 Judaica
Por Legacy Judaica
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Amudei Golah- Sefer Mitzvos Katan, by R. Yitzchok ben R. Moshe of Corbeil. In this edition, the printers added notes according to the Shulchan Oruch and the glosses of the ReMA, which were printed shortly before: “In all the places in the sefer which differ from the ruling of the Shulchan Oruch, the ruling of the Shulchan Oruch is written in small print”.
The French Tosafist, R. Yitzchok of Corbeil, was a son-in-law and student of R. Yechiel of Paris. He also studied at the Yeshiva of the Tosafists at Evreux. This compendium lists all the Mitzvos applicable nowadays, and gives a short synopsis with pertinent halachic details. It is divided into seven parts, corresponding to the seven days of the week, so that it could be reviewed regularly. The author intended it to be of popular usage, thus he interspersed within it many Agaddic passages, moral maxims and ethical teachings which enhanced its appeal. It is accepted as an authoritative halachic source and is much cited by later Poskim including the Tur.
Unidentified rabbinical signatures and glosses.
Vinograd Cracow 187. Yitzchok Prostitz press. [8], 156, [5] (should be 6) pages. 18 cm. Lacking one page of the indices. Overall good condition. Some worming and other damages, at times affecting text. Elegant modern binding, leather spine.
Opening bid $250