Leilão 18 Tiferet 18 - Special Rare Sale
 Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem

Unique Auction of Judaica and Rare Artifacts from Tzadikim, including:

Archives of the descendants of 'Tiferet Yisrael' of Rouzin, Religious Artifacts from Tzadikim from previous generations, Items for Segulah and Protection, letters of great rabbinic leaders, Correspondents from the students of the holy 'Chatam Sofer', fundamental books, and much more.

O leilão terminou

LOTE 26:

Unique! Sefer 'Beit Yisrael', pure compositions from the Holy Rabbi of Ruzhyn personal copy of his holy grandson ...

Vendido por: $460
Preço inicial:
$ 400
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
identificações: Livros

Unique! Sefer 'Beit Yisrael', pure compositions from the Holy Rabbi of Ruzhyn personal copy of his holy grandson Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatyn. His son-in-law the Ohalei Yaakov. Bound with sefer 'Kerem Yisrael' family lineage from the Ruzhin and Chernobyl courtyards.
Sefer 'Beit Yisrael', compositions from the Holy Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhyn. 2nd part of the sefer Keneset Yisrael, by the editor R' Reuven Zak from Ustile (Ustyluh). Pietrkov 1912.
Bound with sefer 'Kerem Yisrael' family lineage from the Ruzhin and Chernobyl courtyards. Lublin 1931.

Personal copy of Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatyn last grandson from the Holy Rabbi of Ruzhin, stamped with his personal stamp, and stamp of his sefarim library, includes several of his personal markings.
At the beginning of the sefer, is the handwriting of his son-in-law his successor the Ohalei Yaakov, son of the Pachad Yitzchak of Buhush (oldest grandson of the Holy Rabbi of Ruzhin). Hand written mark referring to a place in the sefer, about the subject of Avodat HaTzadikim haKodesh.

Sefer 'Beit Yisrael', includes: אוהל אברהם, מאחי רבינו מרוז'ין, הרה"ק רבי אברהם מפארבישטיש, משמרת שלום, להרה"ק רבי שלום יוסף מסדיגורא, אמת ליעקב להרה"ק רבי אברהם יעקב מסאדאגארא, חסדי דוד להרה"ק רבי דוד משה מטשארטקוב, דובר משרים להרה"ק רבי דב בער מלעווא, גדולת מרדכי להרה"ק רבי מרדכי שרגע מהוסיאטין, תפארת בנים לצדיקים הק' רבי יצחק מבאש [בוהוש] ואחיו רבי נחום דב, בני הרה"ק הרש"י מסדיגורה. כולל השמטות.  
Bound with sefer 'Kerem Yisrael': ספר 'כרם ישראל', ספר היחס ושולשלתא דדהבא, משני משפחות הקדושים רמים ונשאים מבית ישראל רוזין וטשארנאביל. ערך ראובן ז"ק מו"צ בעיר אוסטילא. לובלין, תרצ"א - 1931. כולל מכתב קודש מיוחד מהרה"ק רבי ישראל מטשורטקוב.  
Beit Yisrael: 82 pages.
Kerem Yisrael: [1] 48 pages.
22 cm. Fine pages. Few aging stains. Very good condition.