Asta 4 Parte 2 Rabbinic manuscripts, letters by rabbis, autographs, Kodesh books, inscriptions and signatures
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
L'asta è terminata

LOTTO 591:

Three Important Books about the History of Communities, Families and People

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 100
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 19%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione

Three Important Books about the History of Communities, Families and People
A. Le'Korot Ha'Yehudim Be'Lublin (The History of the Jews in Lublin) – Lublin 1900.
"I have gathered … Shlomo Baruch Nissenbaum with comments … S. Buber".
175 pp.
Condition: Good
B. Bound Together with: Anshei Shem – Krakow 1895
Important book about the history of the greatest rabbis of Lviv-Lemberg , written by the Jewish scholar Shlomo Buber.
250 pp.
Condition: excellent.
C. Da'at Kedoshim – Petersburg 1897
Several books bound together: Da'at Kedoshim – 275 pp; Yitaron Da'at – 80 pp; Psak Ha'Cherem – 81 pp. (for a detailed description, see Hebrew catalogue).
Condition: Good. The back cover is missing, the last pages are torn.