Leilão 63 Auction No - 63 stamp collections & banknotes & coins.
50 Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv (Dizengoff Center, 3rd floor, 4 gates)., Israel

Items in this sale are Israeli stamps from 1948 to the present day including postal envelopes and various documents from the Land of Israel and the world.

Includes Judaica postcards from Meshanat Tova and various items from European Judaism.

Includes coins and bills from the British and Israeli Mandate period. Payment methods (tokens, cards, etc.) the marking pins, and Templar coins from all over the world.

Includes stamps from all over the world, coins, bills, medals, pins and various other items.

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Pin, "Arbeiter Party, Poalei Zion, Yod Satz".
"Poalei Zion" was a socialist Zionist ...

Preço inicial:
$ 100
Preço estimado :
$150 - $300
Comissão da leiloeira: 20% Mais detalhes
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas

Pin, "Arbeiter Party, Poalei Zion, Yod Satz".
"Poalei Zion" was a socialist Zionist party that originated in Zionist associations.
The name Heidi "Zionist Arbiter"; is in response to the organization of the non-Zionist "The Bond" party.
Diameter: 2.4 cm
Condição:  Muito boa