Asta 2 Prime Judaica
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Beautiful copy of the Classic Meshech Chachma, Riga 1927.

Venduto per: $300
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 300
Prezzo stimato :
$400 - $600
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
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18.6.20 in Prime Judaica

Beautiful copy of the Classic Meshech Chachma, Riga 1927.
Classic commentary on the Torah and Megilos by R. Meir Simcha Ha’Cohen of Dvinsk. Received with great acclaim, it is one of the prime commentaries on the weekly Torah portions, beloved by both scholars and laymen.
R. Meir Simcha Ha’Cohen (1843-1926), was born in Butrimonys, Lithuania and after his marriage settled in Bialystok where he studied in the local shul for many years developing into a phenomenal Talmid Chochom. He then accepted an invitation to be the Rav of the Misnagdim of the city of Dvinsk alongside R. Yosef Rosen (Rogatchover Gaon), who was the Rav of the Chasidim there. He wrote this commentary, when he was all but 18 years old, although it was not published until after his death in 1926. It was published by his student R. Menachem Mendel Duber Zak (1871-1943), Rav of Riga.
Pages: 434
Size: 25 cm
Condition: Excellent condition, new binding.