Por Vintage Auctions Online
111 W. Main Street Ottawa, OH 45875, Estados Unidos
Premier Auctions Live is back at it again with a great line-up for all of the military collectors! There are so many amazing items in this auction from a George and Martha Washington genuine oil painting portraits to Civil War water barrel--WE HAVE IT ALL!! There are one of a kind pieces in this auction-- Sit back and relax and let the upbeat Diane Lozano do all the work for you. Tune in Thursday April 29th at 12PM est
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WWII Cattaraugus 225Q Knife W/Sheath

Vendido por: $55
Precio inicial:
$ 10
Precio estimado :
$50 - $100
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 17.5% Más detalles
IVA: 8.875% IVA sobre el lote, no sobre la comisión
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WWII Cattaraugus 225Q Knife W/Sheath
Has been sharpened. Needs a light cleaning.