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LOT 32:

Letter from the holy Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner, ABD  Székelyhid, to the editors of the newspaper Der ...

Prix de départ:
$ 800
Commission de la maison de ventes: 26% Plus de détails
23.9.24 à Pninim

Letter from the holy Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner, ABD  Székelyhid, to the editors of the newspaper Der Morgen Zhurnal – Request for moral support for Hungarian yeshivas through the Tomchei Support Society. 1929.

A letter written in Yiddish-German to the writers of the American newspaper Der Morgen Zhurnal: Yaakov Fishman, Peter Wiernik, and Yosef Margoshes. The rabbi asks them to write in their paper and provide moral support to the "Tomchei Toah Society, " which provided financial assistance to Hungarian yeshivas.

"...As is known, young men here are studying and are in need of support. The Torah Support Society, led by the honorable Reb Tzvi Friedman and Reb Moshe Klafter, has already helped the yeshivas here many times. Through your moral support, they will be able to continue this assistance."

The holy Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner Zt''l (circa 1884–1944), was the Av Beit Din of  Székelyhid and one of the greatest rabbis and yeshiva heads of his generation. He was born to his father, Rabbi Meir Yissachar Dov HaLevi, in Seredna (Czechoslovakia). He was a disciple of the renowned Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer (the "Shevet Sofer") and Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Bamberger (the "Arugat HaBosem"), and he was the son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Jungreis, Av Beit Din of Kashau. Rabbi Rosner served as the Dayan in Csap, and later as the head of the yeshiva and Av Beit Din in the  Székelyhid community. His yeshiva in  Székelyhid became famous, and many of the greatest Torah scholars studied there. He wrote numerous Torah insights, most of which were lost. He was referred to as the "Genius of the Geniuses, " and letters were sent to him from all over Hungary.

He published the sefer Imrei Yehuda on various Talmudic topics. Rabbi Rosner perished in Auschwitz, together with his only son, Rabbi Shmuel Chaim, on the first day of Shavuot in 1944. Among his well-known students were the leaders and tazadikim of our generation: the Rebbe of Toldos Aharon, the Rebbe of Vizhnitz-Monsey, and the Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Zev Leibowitz. 

In the present letter, we see that in addition to being the head of the yeshiva, Rabbi Rosner also took responsibility for securing financial support for the institutions.
Der Morgen Zhurnal was an Orthodox-Zionist American newspaper and the first successful daily Yiddish newspaper in the United States. It was founded in New York on July 2, 1901, under the name Der Yiddisher Morgen Zhurnal, by publisher Yaakov Sapirstein, who also served as its editor-in-chief. Its writing staff included Yaakov Fishman, Peter Wiernik, and Yosef Margoshes.

The newspaper maintained a religious stance and was also a strong advocate of Americanization for Russian immigrants, who made up most of its readership. In 1928, its name was shortened to Morgen Zhurnal after it merged with the Tageblatt. For a long time, it was the only Orthodox Yiddish daily newspaper and was considered the "New York Times of the Jewish population on the East Side." At its peak, it sold 111,000 copies in 1916. The newspaper openly supported the Republican Party, which was unique in the landscape of Jewish press in America.