LOT 25:
Set of Mishnayot – Vilna and Grodno, 1818 - with Glosses by the Vilna Gaon - First Edition.
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Set of Mishnayot – Vilna and Grodno, 1818 - with Glosses by the Vilna Gaon - First Edition.
Set of Mishnayot, with commentaries: Rabbi Ovadia of Bartenura, Tosfot Yom Tov, Tosfot Chadashim, Tosfot Rishon L'Zion, Chiddushei Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv and other additions. Grodno and Vilna, 1818. The composition "Be'ur al Ha'Aruga by… Rabbi Eliyahu HaChassid" was first printed at the beginning of Seder Zera'im. At the end of the volumes of Nashim and Nezikin are additions in the name of the Vilna Gaon. Eliyahu Raba by the Vilna Gaon (written as marginalia) was first printed at the end of Seder Taharot.
These Mishnayot featured the Peirush of the GRA on all six sedarim for the very first time. Includes additions from the Biurim MeiHaGra that were printed here for the first time. Refer to Vinograd, Sifrei HaGRA, number 183, for more information regarding the significance of this edition.
Complete title pages for Moed and Nezikin are very uncommon.