Auction 22 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika objects and more
By Moreshet
Feb 20, 2019
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, , Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 041:

BavaMetziya, Augsburg 1946. Bibliographic finding, a complete copy.

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Start price:
$ 250
Buyer's Premium: 20%
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on Feb 20, 2019 at Moreshet

BavaMetziya, Augsburg 1946. Bibliographic finding, a complete copy.
With commentaries, printed by Rav Avraham David Horwitz. Printed separately and not as part of the Shas. Second cover has an inscription handwritten by the printer: “Printed with effort by Rav Avraham David Horwitz [of Grosvardin in the past, and now] Rav of Augsburg—Landsberg, to strengthen the study of those who have survived the Shoah.” [2] 119, 24, [3] pages, 32cm. Rav Avraham David Horwitz, known for many years as the rabbi of Strasburg, and then as one of the beit din heads of the Haredi community in Jerusalem. His wife and five children perished in the Shoah, and after the Shoah he served as unofficial rabbi of the Augsburg and Landsberg DP camps. In the copy of the siddur “She’eritHaPlita” printed by Rav Horowitz in Augsburg, 1946, located at the Bar Ilan Library, there is behind the cover a short introduction from him (facsimile of his handwriting) mentioning this volume and thanking God for sparing him. But until now no masechet printed from it was known. At the Hebrew Bibliographic Institute, a similar masechet is listed, without mentioning RavHorwwitz, and in that edition is a different cover in which is printed: “with all the commentaries printed from antiquity and with new additions as explained in the second cover,” but the editors of the Institute insist there is “no second cover.” However, before us is a copy with two covers, the second of which has an inscription that Rav Horwitz printed this masechet. At the National Library is a partial copy, with only a small portion of the book. | Original binding with printing of the year and location of publication, very good condition.

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