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Copy of the Rabbis of Kliea: Levushei Serad Yoreh Deah by Rabbeinu the Arvei Nachal - Edition with Additions, Safed ...

Продан за: $300
Стартовая цена:
$ 200
Комиссия аукционного дома: 25%
НДС: 17% Только на комиссию
Аукцион проходил 28.5.23 в Moreshet

Copy of the Rabbis of Kliea: Levushei Serad Yoreh Deah by Rabbeinu the Arvei Nachal - Edition with Additions, Safed 1963 / Polemic: Shivah Enayim by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger - First Edition, Lemberg 1864

Sefer Levushei Serad Yoreh Deah, by Rabbi David Shlomo Eibeschutz, Rabbeinu the Arvei Nachal:  "על יורה דעה, ראו זה דבר חדש מהרב הגאון... מוה' דוד שלמה אייבשיץ זצללה"ה שכבר יצא מוניטין שלו בס' לבושי שרד על או"ח ויו"ד וערבי נחל ועוד ספרים קדושים שהי' אב"ד קראקא ומנוחתו כבוד ספון טמון בעה"ק צפת ת"ו. וכעת מצאנו פה עיה"ק היו"ד שלמד בו... וזר זהב על הגליון מכת"י [מכתב יד] קדשו, והעתקנהו אות באות והדפסנו אותו..." An edition with additions based on glosses by the author which were handwritten by him on the leaves of his Shulchan Aruch - Safed 1863. Stefansky Chassidut 260. [1], 18 [i.e. 19] leaves. 

Bound with Shut Shivah Enayim by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger Av Beit Din of Brod, published by his son Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Kluger. Dispute with Rabbi Elazar Segal Landau of Brod (the Nodah BiYehuda's grandson), mainly on Heiter Yevamah. The publisher introduces his Psakim as written: "דברי ריבות, תשובת המערער... אלעזר סג"ל לנדא ... בראד", and with them, the disagreements of his father, Rabbi Shlomo Kluger and additional rabbis including the Chatam Sofer  - First Edition, Lemberg 1864. [1], 62 leaves. 

On the title page of the Levushei Serad, a wooden engraving of Rashbi's gravesite. many moth perforations, tears and other blemishes. Fair overall condition. 

Appearing on the title page is a lengthy notation handwritten and signed by Rabbi Meir Yissachar Rabinowitz Av Beit Din of Kliea and the stamp of Rabbi Shabtai Sheftil Horowitz, also of Kliea. 

On the back flyleaf, two short glosses, one of the m beginning with the words: " בשם דודי מו"ר הה"ג ר' מנדל ז"ל נ"ע"