Subasta 45 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika, Art, Israeliana and more
Por Moreshet
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israel

Auction No. 45 It will be held on Monday the 17th of the Av 5781 • 26.07.2021 • At 19:00 Israel time Have questions about items? You can also contact us via WhatsApp at: +972-3-9050090
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LOTE 016:

Lot of rare items and documents from the “Vaad Klali Knesset Yisrael”—Jerusalem, late 19th/early 20th century.

Precio inicial:
$ 180
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión

Lot of rare items and documents from the “Vaad Klali Knesset Yisrael”—Jerusalem, late 19th/early 20th century.
1. Handsome visiting cards, in Hebrew and English: “Dear guest, together with our blessings, welcome…we request from your honor to visit the first institute…”. 2 different types
2. Booklet “Mazkeret from the Vaad Klali”, many pictures from the foundation’s work and portraits of its founders, the Vilna Gaon and the Baal HaTanya, Rabbi Shmuel Salant, the Aderet, Rabbi Haim Berlin and Rav Kook. Also pictures from sites in the Land of Israel, an additional title page in another language on the back, blue binding.
3. Booklet “Open Letter on the Parshat Kavod of the Vaad Klali Knesset Yisrael…” in Hebrew and Yiddish, from Rav Kook. Jerusalem 1920. National Library classifies it as rare.
4. Booklet “Takanot and Laws of the Beit Vaad HaKlali Knesset Yisrael”, Jerusalem 1905(?). Yiddish, Hebrew, English. National Library classifies it as rare
5. Booklet “Knesset Yisrael Company, an element of the work of the Beit Vaad Klali…its goal is to build housing for poor people”, Jerusalem 1905. Red print jacket, on the back in English. Hebrew, Yiddish, English. Pictures of the building at the beginning.
6. “Zion LaNefesh Matzevat Zikaron”, a yahrzeit board in Yiddish for rabbis and businessmen involved in the kuppah, with pictures and portraits of Rabbi Itzileh Blazer, Rabbi Shmuel Salant, the Vilna Gaon, and Rav Kook. Jerusalem, 1939(?). Title page on the backside in English. Moisture and stains, jacket detached.
7. Package for candles, “Earth from the Land of Israel”, sent to donors from the Vaad. Stains.
8. Booklet “Knesset Yisrael”, surveys of the Vaad in Hebrew, Yiddish, and English, with pictures, including Rav Kook. Title page and the numbering on the backside are in English. Jerusalem 1925. National Library classifies it as rare. Colorful jacket.
9. Booklet “Kol Yerushalayim Daat Torah”, a letter from Israeli rabbis, led by Rabbi Herzog, to reinforce the Vaad, as well as surveys of activity. Jerusalem 1951. Colorful jacket with illustrations.
10. Booklet in Yiddish, “Zum Folk Yisrael” (for the People of Israel), “What the Elders of Jerusalem Tell”, by A. Z. Berezin. With pictures. Jerusalem 1932.
11. Minchat Zikaron for the supporters of the Kupah of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes, Jerusalem (no year listed). With a prayer to be said before giving tzedakah to the kuppah. Probably originally was a jacket for a larger set of content.

Light defects, total of 11 rare items in very good condition.