Asta 13 Parte 1 Auction #13: From the Shoah to Israel's Independence: a meaningful and important catalog.
Da MDLD Auction House
3 HaTa'asiyah St. 3rd floor. Industrial area, Ra'anana, Israele

We are marking Mi'Dor L'Dor (MDLD)'s year and a half anniversary with a truly meaningful and important catalog, full of rare and fascinating historical items, mostly documents.  

L'asta è terminata


Large black and white poster: Herut ("Freedom") Party - Alexander Moses printing, Tel Aviv. Not dated but appears ...

Venduto per: $40
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 40
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20% Altri dettagli
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
8.3.20 in MDLD Auction House

Large black and white poster: Herut ("Freedom") Party - Alexander Moses printing, Tel Aviv. Not dated but appears to have been printed for the first Knesset and is directed against Mapai and Mapam parties. 63cm x 48cm. Stains and some tiny tears around the edges. Fold marks. Overall in good condition.
כפי הנראה, נדפסה הכרזה לקראת הבחירות לכנסת הראשונה (האספה המכוננת) והיא מכוונת כנגד המפלגות מפא"י ומפ"ם, מפלגות אשר אנשיהן היו מעורבים ב"סזון" (מבצע בו הוסגרו אנשי אצ"ל לידי הבריטים).
63ס"מ על 48 ס"מ. מצב טוב. כתמי חלודה. סימני קיפול וקרעים עדינים במסגרת.(ס"מ)