Asta 41
Da MDLD Auction House
Achuza 68, Raanana, Israele


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Bank transfer:

Mi'Dor L'Dor

Bank Discount 11

Ra'anana branch 092

Account number: 156163200

Shipping/pick up:

You are warmly welcome to pick up your purchases from our offices at 68 Achuza, Ra'anana (always best to call before arrival).

We can also ship via Israel Post for 30 nis or with a messenger for 60nis.

Items that are very fragile and breakable, we highly recommend that you pick up the item yourselves or request a messenger.  

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L'asta è terminata


ERETZ ISRAEL - PALESTINE CUSTOMS ALBUM IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW. A Century of Customs and Excise in Palestine and ...

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 25
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20% Altri dettagli
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
8.5.22 in MDLD Auction House

ERETZ ISRAEL - PALESTINE CUSTOMS ALBUM IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW. A Century of Customs and Excise in Palestine and Israel, wuth dedication by David Peled the Director of Customs and Excise. Compiled and Edited by Avraham Mandl and Sylvia Habif. Massada Publication, Museum of Taxes Publication, in the 25th year of the State of Israel - 1973. Circa 150 pages, Hard linen cover. Condition: Very Fine.