Auction 31 היכלות Levaker Beheichalo
De la Memories
Luni, 23.9.24, 19:45
Bnei Brak, Israel
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LOT 112:

Discovery! Sefer Shut Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Frisch Av Beis Din of Tirgal Parmas the Son-in-Law of ...

Price including buyer’s premium and sales tax: $ 2,585
Preț de început:
$ 2,000
Comision casă de licitații: 25% Mai multe detalii
VAT: 17% Doar pentru comision

Discovery! Sefer Shut Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Frisch Av Beis Din of Tirgal Parmas the Son-in-Law of Rabbi Matisyahu Landau Av Beis Din of Făget

Volume of writings: Chidushim and Drushim and Shut, handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Frisch.

The wriitngs refer to Rabbi Yitzchak of Bohush, the first Admor of Bohush and to the Rav of Rimailiv, Rabbi Yaakov Weidenfeld. 

Rabbi Eliezer Frisch (d. ca. 1909) served as Av Beis Din of Tirgal Parmas. After the passing of his in-law Rabbi Matisyahu Landau, the son of Rabbi Yosef Landau Av Beis Din of Jassy and one of the close disciples of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, succeeded him as Av beis Din of Făget. 

Bibliographical books note that he authored the book Yechahen Pe'er. This book is nowhere to be found; possibly, this Shut is a manuscript of the lost book. 

79 leaves. 21X32 cm. [the pagination is handwritten. Leaf 33 is missing as well as leaves 54-74. Since this is a Shut, the damage caused by the missing leaves is limited].

New, elegant binding.

Some tinly moth perforations. Taping and wear. Condiotions vary, mostly good. .