拍卖会 2️⃣9️⃣ מט-מונים mat-monim
由 Memories 举行
Bnei Brak, 以色列
15th and 16th centuries, Yemenite Manuscripts, Chassidut, Kabbalah, Rabbinic Autographs, Safed Seal Stamps .

拍卖品 175:

"וכן מצאתי בכתבי אדמ"ו ז"ל" Two large pages of Sitrei Torah, Masechet Nitzotzot, handwritten by the Gaon ...

售出价为: $1,200
$ 1,200
拍卖行佣金: 25% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
19.6.24于 Memories

"וכן מצאתי בכתבי אדמ"ו ז"ל" Two large pages of Sitrei Torah, Masechet Nitzotzot, handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov, one of the leading disicples of HaGra - 18th century. 

Large leaf written on both sides, deep and sublime Kabbalistic matters with secrets and wonderful gematria, holy names and more. 

Unique! In this manuscript, Rabbi Mendel introduces Sitrei Torah titled "מצאתי בכתבי אדמ"ו ז"ל" - referring to his great Rav HaGra. 

The holy Gaon and Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov (?-1927) one of the leading disciples of HaGra, who declared “for about two years I did not move from him... where he went, I went, where he slept, I slept and I did not move my hand from his hand at all, and he opened for me the key of wisdom” (History of the Sages of Jerusalem, III, p.158). Rabbi Menachem Mendel wrote down HaGra's Torah in his lifetime, and after his passing, dealt with the publication of his books.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel learned much of the wisdom of Kabbalah from his great teacher HaGra and possibly, these remarkable Chidushim are from HaGra himself.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel is known for being heading the Aliyah of the HaGra’s disciples to the Holy Land in 1808. He was also the one who bought the “Churva” yard and founded the Ashkenazic community of Jerusalem.

[1] large sheet of paper written on both sides (approx. 100 lines!).

21X30 cm.

Stains, some moth holes.

Fine, clear script.

