Subasta 14 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOTE 464:

Manuscripts – Rabbi Moshe Shtruli Dayan and Moreh Tzedek in Baia

Vendido por: $380
Precio inicial:
$ 350
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
2.3.11 en Kedem

Manuscripts – Rabbi Moshe Shtruli Dayan and Moreh Tzedek in Baia
Two manuscript booklets, novellae and notes on the Yoreh De’ah and rules, by Rabbi Moshe Shtruli Dayan and Moreh Tzedek of Baia-Sprie. [1820-1830?].
Rabbi Moshe son of Rabbi Peretz Tuvya Shtruli (killed in the Holocaust, Otzar Harabanim 15185) was the Dayan and Moreh Tzedek of the Banya community (Felso-Banya, Baia-Sprie). Son in law of the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Israel Feldman Rosh Av Beit Din in Berzan and Av Beit Din of Dragomiresti (related to the Maharasham from Berzan, printed a great part of the Maharasham books). His son in law Rabbi Moshe Shtruli was greatly involved in the editing of the Maharasham writings for print.
2 notebooks, good condition. One of the notebooks is made of blank leaves printed with the inscription “Moshe Shtruli – Dayan and Moreh Tzedek of Felso-Banya”.