Vente 6 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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LOT 473:

Responsa of Rabbeinu Unshchin and his Student MaHari Mintz to Rabeinu Yisrael

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9.9.09 à Kedem

Responsa of Rabbeinu Unshchin and his Student MaHari Mintz to Rabeinu Yisrael
An antique copying of a responsum on the topic of the laws of levirate marriage and dowry of the wife of Rabbeinu Unshchin's convert brother, was sent to Rabbi Yisrael from Rabbeinu Unshchin (Asher ben Reb Yishayahu) who was of the greatest Torah Sages of the 15th century.
Rabbeinu Unshchin, Asher ben Yishayahu, died in the year 1483. He was considered of the greatest torah sages of the Ashkenaz community in the latter part of the Rishonim period. His contemporaries were amongst others were the “MaHaril” and the “Terumot HaDeshen”. Moving to Italy, he established a yeshiva in the city of Padua. After the passing of Rebbeinu Unshchin, his student and disciple, Rabbi Yehuda “MaHari Mintz” who was the son in law of the Ma’Haram of Padua became the head of the yeshiva. The “MaHari Mintz” died in the year 1509 at the age of 100.
As for Rabbeinu Yisrael to whom this letter was addressed, we are not clear exactly who he was. We believe that it would be either the Rabbeinu Yisrael of Braunau (1400 – 1480) or it could be Rabbeinu Yisrael Isserlin, the author of Terumot HaDeshen (1390 -1460).
2 Pages. 17.5 cm. Ashkenazi writing. Good Condition. Margins have been restored but no damage to the text.
This item is accompanied by a letter from Professor Shlomo Tzuker, a leading expert on Jewish handwritten manuscripts, to validate its authenticity.