Asta 6 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
Da Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israele
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LOTTO 464:

A Collection of Letters and Manuscript Pages

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 1 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 18% Solo su commissione
9.9.09 in Kedem

A Collection of Letters and Manuscript Pages
An assortment of letters from Rabbis, pages with handwritten novellae, various documents, printed pages and more from Rabbis of previous generations and present day.
Letters from: Rabbi David Povarsky, Rabbi Zvi Pessach Frank, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Binyamin Zilber, Rabbi Meir Mazouz, Rabbi Avigdor Neventzal, Rabbi Asher Lichtenstien, Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstien, Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman and more.
Handwritings from HaAderet, Rabbi Yechezkel Abramsky, from the Rabbi staff members of "Otzar HaPoskim", Rabbi David Ragensberg, the Rebbe of Tulna and more.
142 leaves. Varying sizes and conditions. Generally fair to very good condition.