Auction 6 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
De la Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
Licitația a luat sfârșit

LOT 88:

Collection of Books on Mussar and Chasidut

Preț de început:
$ 200
Comision casă de licitații: 23%
VAT: 17% Doar pentru comision
9.9.09 at Kedem

Collection of Books on Mussar and Chasidut
1. The book Keter Shem Tov by Rabbi Israel Ba'al Shem Tov. Lemberg, 1858. Binding and first and last pages are in poor condition. Moth holes, tears, and very damaged cover.
2-7. The book Mayim Rabbim, by Nosson Notte ben Tzvi HaCohen Dunner. 1899.
Bound together with Megillat Yuchasin, Rabbi Nosson Notte HaCohen, the book Midbar Kadumt, by Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai (the Chida). 1890; Shneim Asar Derushim, by Rabeinu Nissim ben Reuven Girondi (the Ran). 1875; the book Derech Emunah and Ma'aseh Rav, stories of the Ba'al Shem Tov and his disciples, Rabbi Ya'akov Shalom ben Nosson Notte HaCohen Dunner. 1898; Sefer Derech Emunah, by Rabeinu Meir ben Yecheskel Ibn-Gabbai. 1889. All printed in Warsaw.
8. Sefer Shomer Emunim, Aharon ben Shmuel Ya'akov Roth. Jerusalem 1942.
9. Sefer Abir HaRo'im, by Tzvi Yehuda ben Mordechhai HaLevi Mamluk. [Germany, circa 1948]. Facsimile of Pietrekov edition from 1935-1938. Biography of Sochachover Rebbe.
Altogether nine books in four volumes. Various sizes and conditions.