المزاد 21 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
بواسطة Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., إسرائيل
لقد انتهى هذا المزاد

الوحدة 550:

Kerchief made by "Maskit" - Print by Yohanan Simon

تم البيع مقابل: $120
السعر المبدئي:
$ 100
عمولة صالة المزادات: 23%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 17% على العمولة فقط
22.3.12 في Kedem
الكلمات الرمزية:

Kerchief made by "Maskit" - Print by Yohanan Simon
Kerchief made by "Maskit", with a print by Yohanan Simon, [1960s].
A print in color with designs of trees in the style typical of Yohanan Simon and other designs from nature. Signed: "Maskit", "Yohanan Simon 65". The artist Yohanan Simon was married to the fashion designer Pini Leitersdorf who was the chief designer of "Maskit". Cooperation between the couple led to the creation of unique fashion accessories, such as the one presented here. 80X80 cm. Very good condition. Folded and perfumed.