المزاد 21 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
بواسطة Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., إسرائيل
لقد انتهى هذا المزاد

الوحدة 505:

"Health Card" and "Modim Derabanan" card

تم البيع مقابل: $180
السعر المبدئي:
$ 180
عمولة صالة المزادات: 23%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 17% على العمولة فقط
22.3.12 في Kedem
الكلمات الرمزية:

"Health Card" and "Modim Derabanan" card
1. "Health Card" issued by Israel's Immigration Ministry, Germany. Printed in Munich. Issued in Bamberg in January 1949.
2. "Medical Certificate" issued by the Jewish Agency. Issued in November 1949.
3. Card with a version of "Modim Derabanan" prayer, handwritten. It is possible that it was prepared by She'erit HaPleita after the war.
Size variable, fair-good condition.