Leilão 27 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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LOTE 34:

Shtar Tena'im and Ketuba – Poland 1922-1923

Preço inicial:
$ 200
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Shtar Tena'im and Ketuba – Poland 1922-1923
* Printed Shtar Tena'im, completed by hand with witnesses' signatures, on the betrothal of the bridegroom Eliyahu Baruch ben R' Yosef with the bride Perel bat Shmuel Gedalyahu. Lublin, Nisan 1922.
* Printed shtar ketuba, completed by hand with witnesses' signatures, on the marriage of the aforementioned bridegroom and bride. Praga (Warsaw), 30th of Shvat which is Rosh Chodesh Ada 1923.
2 shtarot, 29-31 cm. Good-fair condition, stains, wear to folds.