Asta 59 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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LOTTO 249:

Handwritten Treatise, Halachic Responsum by Rabbi Shmuel Heller, to Rabbi Shmuel Salant - Safed, 1851

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20.2.18 in Kedem

Handwritten Treatise, Halachic Responsum by Rabbi Shmuel Heller, to Rabbi Shmuel Salant - Safed, 1851
Handwritten treatise, letter with a halachic responsum regarding permitting an agunah to remarry, signed by R. Shmuel Heller, Rabbi of Safed. Sent to Jerusalem to R. Shmuel Salant, Rabbi of Jerusalem. Safed [9th of Kislev 1851].
Halachic question regarding a mentally-ill man who disappeared from the city of Safed and his body was found much later in the woods near the village of Gush Chalav. Scribal writing. At the end of the letter is his signature "…Shmuel Heller". R. Heller's exceptional Torah proficiency of books of responsa and poskim can be clearly seen in this letter. This responsum was printed in the book Torat Rabbeinu Shmuel Salant (Jerusalem, 1998 - Part 2, pp. 260-276). R. Salant responded briefly to this letter (ibid p. 276). His response bears the date this letter was written: "Erev Shabbat Kodesh 18th of Kislev 1851… Jerusalem… Your letter from the 9th of Kislev…".
R. Shmuel Heller (1786-1884), a prominent Torah scholar and leader of the Jewish community in Safed was raised in the home of the Chozeh of Lublin and following the latter's counsel, R. Heller immigrated to Eretz Israel and served a sixty-year tenure as Rabbi of Safed. His connections with the Arab Sheikhs in Northern Eretz Israel due to his extensive medical expertise bolstered the status of the Jewish yishuv in the Gallilee during these troubled times (see HaRav HaManhig V'HaRofeh - Safed 1989, with his biography and about the history of the yishuv in Safed).
4 leaves containing five closely written pages. 29 cm. Overall good condition. Stains. Few tears not affecting text. Folding marks.