Asta 59 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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LOTTO 247:

Promissory Note by the Gaba'im of the Hurva Synagogue - Rabbi Yaakov Berlin, Father of the Netziv, and Others - ...

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20.2.18 in Kedem

Promissory Note by the Gaba'im of the Hurva Synagogue - Rabbi Yaakov Berlin, Father of the Netziv, and Others - Jerusalem, 1853
Legal document signed by the four gaba'im of the Churva Synagogue: R. Eliyahu Yehuda Daikhes, R. Yaakov Berlin [father of the Netziv of Volozhin], R. Aryeh Leib Ne'eman and R. Yaakov Mendelsohn of Ludza. Jerusalem, [1853].
Promissory note issued to R. Shmuel, Rabbi of Ariogala, who transferred funds to the Hurva from the estate of R. Z. Ragoler. The promissory note states that the funds will be returned in the event of them being reclaimed from R. Shmuel.
R. Eliyahu Yehuda Daikhes (1816-1858), Rabbi of Neustadt-Schirwindt. Son-in-law of R. Shmuel of Daŭhinava. Exceptional Torah scholar and tzaddik. Written on his tombstone: "Torah scholar famous for his Torah knowledge and righteousness and his great cleverness and proficiency… of the entire Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, Rishonim and Achronim…".
Rabbi Yaakov Berlin (1794-1870), father of the Netziv of Volozhin and father-in-law of the author of Aruch HaShulchan, was a wealthy trader and an outstanding Torah scholar, an influential leader of the Mir community. He moved to Jerusalem in 1852 and became a leader of its Ashkenazi community (his biography and piety are chronicled at length in the book Mekor Baruch by his grandson Rabbi Baruch Epstein).
Rabbi Aryeh Leib son of Rabbi Yerachmiel Marcus of Keidan (1800-1877), trustee of the Kollel Perushim in Jerusalem and one of the founders of the Hurva Synagogue (signed emissary letters from 1831 together with R. Yisrael of Shklow).
R. Yaakov (Mendelsohn) son of R. Menachem Mendel of Ludza (died in Tevet 1872), emissary from Eretz Israel in 1863 (see: Yaari, Sheluchei Eretz Israel, p. 822). Expert in knowledge of grammar and mesorah. He was sent by R. Yaakov Berlin to Aleppo to research the ancient Bible manuscripts and Keter Aram Zova.
The recipient: R. Shmuel, Rabbi of Ariogala (Lithuania). Immigrated to Jerusalem and headed the Beit Din. Gave generously to charity and financed a hostel and mikveh in the courtyard of the Churva in Jerusalem. In an old registry of the Ashkenazi Chevra Kaddisha, he is referred to as "The great luminary, the pious R. Shmuel, Rabbi of Ariogala and Head of the Beit Din of Jerusalem; died on 25th of Elul 1855". He left manuscripts of his Torah novellae portraying his profound sharpness and erudition. [See Toldot Chachmei Yerushalaim, Part 3, Chapter 7, Section 14].
11 x 14 cm. Thin bluish stationery. Good condition. Stains and minor wear.
On the verso is an account of various monies which arrived in Jerusalem in various currencies.