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Ma'ase Chiya – Furth, 1727 – Copy of Rabbi Avraham Danzig, Author of Chayei Adam, with his Signatures

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Ma'ase Chiya – Furth, 1727 – Copy of Rabbi Avraham Danzig, Author of Chayei Adam, with his Signatures
Ma'asei Chiya, novellae on the Talmud and responsa, by Rabbi Chiya Rofeh. [Furth, 1727]. Second edition.
Copy belonging to Rabbi Avraham Danzig, author of Chayei Adam. His signature, "Avraham ben R' M. [Michel] of Danzig", appears in two places [Leaf 36/a and Leaf 77/b]. On Leaf 1 is the remainder of another signature. Additional ownership inscriptions.
Rabbi Avraham Danzig (1748-1821) a leading Torah scholar in his times, disciple-companion and mechutan of the Vilna Gaon, authored basic halachic books: Chayei Adam, Nishmat Adam, Chochmat Adam, and others. Son of Rabbi Yechiel Michel ben R' Shmuel, author of Nechamot Zion. In his youth, Rabbi Avraham studied in Prague and was the disciple of the Nodah B'Yehuda and of Rabbi Yosef Lieberman, Prague Torah prodigies. The latter granted him a writ titling him Chaver at the age of 18, and wrote among other praises: "Young of age but with a settled mind like the elderly, a disciple who adds to the wisdom of his teachers… proficient in the Talmud and the poskim… he is fluent in his Torah learning…". After his marriage, he settled in Vilnius and basked in the presence of the Vilna Gaon discussing Torah with him. Eventually, he became his mechutan, as Rabbi Avraham's son wed the Vilna Gaon's granddaughter. His reverence of the Vilna Gaon knew no bounds and he expressed his veneration in the eulogies he delivered for him. In the beginning of his book Zichru Torat Moshe, he documented the study schedule of "my mechutan, our Master, Marana v'Rabana Geon Yisrael u'Kedosho Rabbeinu Eliyahu Chassid…", and wrote that this schedule is "As commanded to us by Moshe Rabbeinu". In his book Chayei Adam, Rabbi Avraham introduces many teachings in the name of the Vilna Gaon, however he also disagrees with him in several places. This caused dissent; therefore in his book Chochmat Adam, Rabbi Avraham refrained from quoting the Gaon so as not to openly disagree with him.
He refused to serve in the rabbinate, following his grandfather's footsteps, dealing in trade for his livelihood, with Torah study his main priority (as recounted in his famous introduction to Chochmat Adam). In spite of this refusal, he was one of the leaders of the Vilnius community and was constantly asked for his opinion on Torah matters, and in the city of Vilnius his agreement was sought on all issues.
Rabbi Avraham had strong connections with the prominent rabbis of his times. Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, together with Rabbi Ya’akov of Lisa, author of Chavot Da’at encouraged him to publish his book Chochmat Adam. He exchanged halachic correspondence with Rabbi Meir Pozner, author of Beit Meir.
His books were accepted in the entire Jewish world as basic halachic books written in the generation of Torah sages, the days of the Vilna Gaon. They became the primary books of Torah rulings in Lithuania until the time of the Mishnah Brura which quotes him everywhere and heavily relies on his rulings. Many of the greatest Torah authorities of his generation and those who lived thereafter quote his books at length and discuss his writings, valuing his opinion.
In the beginning of the second edition of Chayei Adam, he wrote: “Since I am certain that in G-d’s kindness, my works both on Orach Chaim and on Yoreh Deah did not disappoint… and will be printed and reprinted until the Redemption, because even in my lifetime… they have been accepted and have spread throughout the Jewish world, that also after my death they undoubtedly will be even more accepted”. The fact that all over Lithuania and Russia “Chayei Adam societies” were established, attests to their impressive success. These societies began in the author’s lifetime as his friend Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin wrote: “A man assisted by his Master… whose book Chayei Adam… spread throughout the Jewish world”.
Even outside of Lithuania, his books became rudimentary study books as can be learned from the Chatam Sofer who affirmed that Torah authorities can rely on the rulings in these books whenever they cannot find the time to study the halachic sources themselves.
Rabbi Avraham wrote piyyutim and prayers, including the Tefillah Zaka, said at the beginning of Yom Kippur. He lived to the age of 73 - the gematriya of his book Chayei Adam.
1-52, 57-59, [1], 61-109 leaves. Missing: the title page and the page of approbation, Leaves 53-56 (Leaves 57-59 and Leaf [1] are bound twice). 21 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear, worming and tears. Ownership inscriptions. Non-original binding.
Enclosed is another copy for replacing the missing leaves.