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Mishneh Torah by the Rambam, Venice, 1524 - Long Glosses by Egyptian Sages, by the Author of Shita Mekubetzet and ...

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31.10.17 in Kedem

Mishneh Torah by the Rambam, Venice, 1524 - Long Glosses by Egyptian Sages, by the Author of Shita Mekubetzet and his Disciples
Mishneh Torah by the Rambam, end of Nezikin and most of Kinyan and a small part of Avodah [part of Vol. 2. Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1524].
Many glosses in ancient Oriental script [from the time of printing, mid-16th century]. Some are long glosses (titled "Gi[layon"), containing sections copied from books of Rishonim [such as the Me'eri, R. Meir HaMe'ili, the Ran, Shita L'Talmid HaRashba, Shita Lo Noda L'Me, etc.], and replacements of omitted sections in the version of the commentators on the Rambam. Short glosses of corrections of versions of the Rambam and of his commentators, and sources.
The glosses are characteristic to the "proofread" books of the Rambam from the yeshiva of R. Bezalel Ashkenazi, author of Shita Mekubetzet and disciple the Ari HaKadosh, located in Egypt. The content of these glosses have parallels in other writings of the author of Shita Mekubetzet. For example: On page 595a is a long gloss ending with the words: "…until here from the Shita L'Talmid HaRashba and it seems that he is the son of the Ritvah" - This manuscript of novellae by the "Talmid" [disciple of] HaRashba is cited by R. Bezalel Ashkenazi several times in his books. In some places, he adds his assumption that the composition was written by the Ritvah's son. See the writings of the Chida: "Rules of R. Bezalel Ashkenazi": "So he wrote in Chiddushei Kiddushin by the Talmid HaRashba and apparently he is the son of the Ritvah" (Ein Zocher, Ot 40, Siman 29; Chaim Sha'al responsa, Part 2, Siman 27). [This composition by the Talmid HaRashba on Tractate Kiddushin was recently printed by Machon Ofek in the book Or Ganuz, Part 1].
On page 599b is a long "Gi[layon" gloss: "from the Shita of R. Meir HaMe'ili on Ketubot, Chapter Almana Nizonet" [R. Meir son or R. Shimon HaMe'ili, a Provence sage, author of Sefer HaMe'orot]. This gloss was printed in the Shabtai Frankel edition according to the manuscript "Gilayon proofread book". The teachings of R. Meir HaMe'ili are cited several times in the Shita Mekubetzet on Tractate Ketubot (for example, p. 22b; p. 44a; etc.).
Leaves 569-632; 458-459, 465-468. Total of 70 leaves + a section of leaf 471. 36 cm. Fair condition. Wear and coarse tears, some affecting text. Stains and dampstains. Worming. Some glosses are trimmed. New binding.
Literature: M. Benayahu, "Glosses on the Mishneh Torah from the Rambam's copy and glosses attributed to R. Bezalel Ashkenazi and to the Ari", Sinai 100, pp. 135-142; A. Chavatzelet, "Proofread copies of the Rambam used by Maran the Beit Yosef and the author of the Shita HaMekubetzet", Moriah 115, pp. 19-22; Introduction to the Mishneh Torah L'HaRambam Mada and Ahava - proofread book, Machon Ofek, Jerusalem, 1997, pp. 27-29; Introduction to Or HaGanuz - books of the Rishonim on Tractate Kiddushin, Part 1, Machon Ofek, Jerusalem, 1999, pp. 12-15.