LOT 452:
Likutei Tefillot (R. Natan of Breslov) – Part II – Breslov, 1827 – First Edition
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Likutei Tefillot (R. Natan of Breslov) – Part II – Breslov, 1827 – First Edition
Likutei Tefillot, Part II, printed in the home of R. Natan of Breslov (Moharnat), disciple of R. Nachman of Breslov. [Breslov: R. Natan Sternhartz, 1827].
Printed without title page. Heading at top of first page: "Likutei Tefillot – Part II".
Likutei Tefillot was secretly printed in the home of R. Natan, in the midst of the persecutions against him and against Breslov Chassidim. The printing of part I began in 1822 and was completed in 1824 (see previous item). The printing of part II began at that time, but was interrupted due to the closure of R. Natan's press by the authorities. Only in 1827 did R. Natan complete the printing of the second part.
48, 50-72, 74-75, 77-106 leaves. Lacking leaves 49, 73, 76, and 107 – final leaf. 16 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dark stains. Wear. Tears and open tears to several leaves, slightly affecting text. Paper repairs to several leaves, affecting headings.
Leaf 52 torn and half lacking (repaired with paper). Detached leaves. Without binding.