Asta 042 Special Chabad Auction in Honor of Chag HaGeulah Yud-Tes Kislev – Rosh Hashana of Chassidut - Marking the Date in which Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi was Released from Czarist Imprisonment
Da Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israele
This auction features letters, books and rare items of Chabad Rebbes and Rebbetzins.
L'asta è terminata


"Kuntres Katan MeInyanei Bechira" ("Sha'ar Habechira" by the Mitteler Rebbe) – Zhovkva 1826 or 1831

Venduto per: $110
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 100
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
6.12.22 in Kedem

"Kuntres Katan MeInyanei Bechira" ("Sha'ar Habechira" by the Mitteler Rebbe) – Zhovkva 1826 or 1831
"Kuntres Katan MeInyanei Bechira" [little pamphlet concerning matters of freedom of the will], by by Rebbe Dov Ber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch. [Zhovkva?: 1826 or 1831].
On the page headings, this work is titled "Sha'ar HaBechira" [literally meaning: The Gate of Choice]. It was first published as part I of the Mitteler Rebbe's book "Sha'ar Hateshuva VeHatefila" (Shklov, 1817).
[1], 2-8, [1] ff. Approx. 17.5 cm. Good condition. Stains and minor wear. New leather binding (incorrect imprint on spine).
Imprint according to "Sefer Hatoldos" (Brooklyn, 1976),
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.