Leilão 82 Parte 2 Books and Letters from the Rabbi Yaakov Landau Family Collection
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8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOTE 425:

Letters from the Chazon Ish - To Rabbi Landau - Shemittah and Commandments Pertaining to the Land of Israel

Vendido por: $16 000
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$ 14 000
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25.8.21 em Kedem

Letters from the Chazon Ish - To Rabbi Landau - Shemittah and Commandments Pertaining to the Land of Israel
Collection of letters, correspondence about laws pertaining to the Land of Israel (shemittah, kilayim and orlah), between R. Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz - the Chazon Ish, and R. Yaakov Landau Rabbi of Bnei Brak. [Bnei Brak, ca. 1939-1945].
• Four letters handwritten by the Chazon Ish (including three with his signature), addressed to R. Landau Rabbi of Bnei Brak.
• Leaf (handwritten by a copyist), summary of laws of kilayim by the Chazon Ish, nine sections. This leaf was enclosed with one of the letters.
• Two lengthy letters handwritten and signed by R. Yaakov Landau on these topics, addressed to the Chazon Ish.
In two of the letters, the Chazon Ish negates false rumors about his rulings pertaining to the laws of shemittah.
4 letters handwritten by the Chazon Ish (4 leaves) and 4 additional leaves (copy of the rulings of the Chazon Ish and two letters handwritten and signed by R. Landau. Size and condition vary. Most leaves in good condition.