Leilão 82 Parte 1 Judaica – Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial
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LOTE 307:

Letter from Rabbi Shimon Shkop - Good Year Wishes and Priestly Blessing

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24.8.21 em Kedem

Letter from Rabbi Shimon Shkop - Good Year Wishes and Priestly Blessing
Letter signed by R. "Shimon Yehuda HaKohen Shkop", dean of the Grodno yeshiva. Hrodna (Grodno), Elul 1938.
Addressed to R. Yisrael Zinober in England. Typewritten, with the handwritten signature "Shimon Yehuda HaKohen Shkop". The letter contains an appeal on behalf of the yeshiva, which was in dire financial straits. R. Shimon asks him to arrange a special fundraising campaign on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and concludes with blessings for a good year and the threefold Priestly blessing.
R. Shimon Yehuda Shkop (1860-1939), a disciple of R. Chaim Soloveitchik in the Volozhin yeshiva. He served as dean of the Telz yeshiva and later the Shaar HaTorah yeshiva in Grodno, where he transmitted to his many students his innovative method of logical study - approach adopted by the entire Torah world until this day.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 28.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks, with light wear and minor tears.