拍卖会 78 Rare and Important Items
由 Kedem 举行
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., 以色列
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拍卖品 18:

Jerusalem Talmud – Krakow, 1609 – All Parts in One Volume

售出价为: $3,000
$ 3,000
估计的价格 :
拍卖行佣金: 25%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
25.5.21于 Kedem

Jerusalem Talmud – Krakow, 1609 – All Parts in One Volume
Jerusalem Talmud, with a commentary by R. David Darshan disciple of the Rema. Krakow: Isaac son of Aaron of Prostitz, [1609].
Four parts (entire Jerusalem Talmud) in one volume.
Second edition of the Jerusalem Talmud, printed based on the Venice edition (1523-1524).
In the Venice edition, the text of the Talmud was printed alone, without commentaries, and in the present edition a brief commentary was added for the first time in the margins. A preface by the author of the commentary was printed on the verso of the title page, though anonymously. The title page does not state his name either. Yet in his commentary to Tractate Nazir (chapter 6, law 1; folio 54b in the present edition), he reveals his identity: "… so it appears to me David Darshan" – R. David son of R. Menashe of Krakow, known as R. David Darshan. He was a disciple of the Rema. In a question he addressed to his teacher (Responsa of the Rema, section 81), he signs: "So pleads your disciple David Darshan, with the approval of the members". The Rema concludes his response to him (ibid.): "My beloved one, after you read my letter, return it to me, since that is my custom to give it to be copied… so that it be kept for me for my old age…". Shir HaMaalot LeDavid – samples of his compositions, was printed in Krakow in 1571.
A general title page for the Talmud is found at the beginning of the first part (Zera'im). Divisional title page at the beginning of each part (Moed, Nashim and Nezikin).
Owner's signature on title page (in Ashkenazic script): "Acquired with my money… Levi Yerushalmi". Several glosses by several writers (the longest and earliest one is mostly trimmed). On the blank leaf between Order Zera'im and Order Moed, list of Aramaic words with translation.
Signatures on blank page in final leaf: "…Aharon son of R. Shlomo Katz of –[?] from the G---[?] families".
65; 83; 66; 51 leaves. 33.5 cm. Condition varies. Most leaves in good condition, first and final leaves in fair condition. Stains. Open tears to several leaves, affecting text, including tears to first title page (affecting border), to leaf 9 of first sequence and to final leaves, repaired with paper and photocopy replacement. Worming, affecting text, repaired with paper. Margins trimmed, affecting headings of several leaves, and close to text. Handwritten inscriptions and markings in body of text. New binding.