拍卖会 74 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
由 Kedem 举行
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拍卖品 29:

Tur Even HaEzer with Beit Yosef – Venice, 1565

售出价为: $750
$ 700
拍卖行佣金: 25%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
15.9.20于 Kedem

Tur Even HaEzer with Beit Yosef – Venice, 1565
Tur Even HaEzer, with Beit Yosef. Venice: Giorgio di Cavalli, [1565].
One of the editions published in the author's lifetime, as alluded to on the title page: "And he entitled it Beit Yosef, may G-d grant him many more lengthy and good years…", and in the chronogram at the foot of the title page which includes the words "Yosef Chai".
The printer's device of Giorgio di Cavalli, printed on the title page, depicts an elephant bearing warriors in a turret, flanked by a Hebrew inscription (regarding this printer's device, see: Yaari, Diglei HaMadpisim HaIvriim, images 32-34 and p. 136; Ruthy Kalman, Diglei HaMadpisim BaSefer HaIvri BeVenetzia BaMe'a Ha-16, doctoral dissertation, 2010). According to Yaari, the Hebrew inscription was added by the renowned proofreader R. Shmuel son of Yitzchak of Bohemia (who later worked at the Prostitz press in Kraków).
Several ownership inscriptions in Italian script on the title page (damaged in part).
Censorship deletions to several leaves, with a few tears from ink erosion. Censor's signatures on final leaf.
232 leaves. 34.5 cm. Several browned leaves. Condition varies. First leaves and approx. 15 final leaves in fair condition, with worming, dampstains, damage and tears, and numerous marginal paper repairs. Traces of past dampness (with some mold) to approx. 25 final leaves. Many leaves in middle of book in good-fair to good condition. Stains. Worming. Pen inscription. Stamp. New binding.
