Leilão 78 books from the Rothschild family library, books from the 15th and 16th centuries, books of Kabbalah and Chassidus, Chabad, manuscripts, amulets, and Judaica items, and more.
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LOTE 47:

The Four Books of Rabbi Yaakov Chai Zeryan, Chief Rabbi of Tiberias,
New and Luxurious Edition.

Vendido por: $60 (₪220)
Preço inicial:
$ 50
Comissão da leiloeira: 25% Mais detalhes
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
27.11.24 em kadmon auctions

The Four Books of Rabbi Yaakov Chai Zeryan, Chief Rabbi of Tiberias,
New and Luxurious Edition.

Shofarei Yaakov – New insights and hints on the Torah in Pardes (the four levels of interpretation: Peshat, Remez, Drash, Sod).
Condition: New, published in 2014 (תשע"ד).

Ohel Yaakov – New insights and hints on the Torah in Pardes.
Condition: New, published in 2015 (תשע"ה).
Includes a portrait of the author.

Chelek Yaakov – Sermons.
Condition: New, published in 2014 (תשע"ד).

Torat Yaakov – Questions and answers in Halacha and innovations in Jewish law.
Condition: New, published in 2015 (תשע"ה).

All the books include additional notes and commentaries, entitled Adret Yaakov, by Rabbi Shlomo Me'ara.