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Collections of Handwritten Autographs and Signatures of the Most Prominent Sephardic Kabbalists of Jerusalem - a ...

Vendido por: $1 500
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$ 1 500
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Collections of Handwritten Autographs and Signatures of the Most Prominent Sephardic Kabbalists of Jerusalem - a Rare Collection!
A. Manuscript by the kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Chaim Sofer author of "Kaf Ha'Chaim". The title reads: "Drush for Tisha Be'Av". The sermon is unknown and has never been printed.
The manuscript contains excerpts of the Talmud and the Midrashim about the destruction of the Temple and the troubles of the Jewish nation.
[3] leaves. Three written pages. Corrections and additions in his handwriting.
The kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Chaim Sofer (1870-1939) was born in Babylon, a disciple of Rabbi Abdallah Somech and Rabbi Yosef Chaim, the "Ben Ish Chai". He was on eof the most prominent rabbis of Babylon and Jerusalem and one of their greatest Poskim. Author of the series of book "Kaf Ha'Chaim" as well as "Chaim ad Ha'Olam", "Kol Ya'akov", "Chukei Chaim" and "Yagel Ya'akov".
Condition: Very Good.
B. Amulet for health and protection against demons handwritten by the eldest of the kabbalists Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, with many names of angels.
In his amulets, Rabbi Kaduri used to write a short prayer and names of angels; yet he strictly forbade to write and to use amulets with oaths. See his approbation to the book Tamim Tihiyeh. Before writing the amulet and the names of the angels, Rabbi Kaduri made many preparations so that he will write them in holiness and purity. The most prominent rabbis trusted his amulets and said of him that he was one of a kind in writing amulets. They even permitted carrying the amulet on Sabbath, like an amulet written by an expert.
[1] leaves. Thick paper. 6x9 cm.
C. Two leaves of Goral Ha'Chol handwritten by Rabbi Kaduri.
Before the Goral, Rabbi Kaduri wrote the details of the case he was handling.
[3] handwritten pages of 26 lines. With several Goralot Chol.
D. The Forsazt leaf of the book "Shemen Sasson" with a handwritten dedication by the kabbalist Rabbi Sasson ben Rabbi Moshe Presiado.
The dedication is to the Ma'arvim community of Jerusalem. Signed by Rabbi Moshe Presiado.
The kabbalist Rabbi Sasson Presiado was known for his book "Shemen Sasson", commentary and novellae on the book Etz Ha'Chaim by Rabbi Chaim Vital, five sections (1823-1903). He immigrated to the Land of Israel from Bosnia and became one of the most prominent rabbis of Jerusalem. For many years, he was the leader of the Beit El community. It is told that when Rabbi Yechezkel Sheraga Halberstam, the son of the "Divrei Chaim" of Sanz, visited Jerusalem, he went to visit Rabbi Presiado in his house. However, he did not find him there since Rabbi Presiado had gone to the market. Rabbi Halberstam waited until Rabbi Presiado returned, holding bags full of fruit and vegetables. Rabbi Halberstam was amazed to see that such a great and holy man has no servant and carries the groceries by himself.
E. An extremely rare letter, on the official stationery of Beit Chinuch Yetomim Le'Adat Ha'Sepharadim, Elul 1940. The title: "We the undersigned have received each one of us the sum of 300 … for studying in Rachel's Tomb".
The letter lists 8 kabbalists who participated in the above study in Rachel's Tomb: Rabbi Efrayim Ha'Cohen, Rabbi Ben Zion Chazan, Rabbi Ben Zion Atun, Rabbi Ya'akov Ades, Rabbi Moshe Ades, Rabbi Ezra Ades, Rabbi Ezra Shrim and Rabbi Ezra Attiya.
Such a gathering of the most prominent kabbalists of Jerusalem for praying in Rachel's Tomb is not in vain and was most likely die to the troubles of the Holocaust.
The letter is hand-signed by Rabbi Yosef Raful (3 times), the kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Ades (3 times) and Rabbi Yosef Ades (2 times).
F. Letter on a postcard, handwritten by the kabbalist Rabbi Ovadya Hadaya, sent to Rabbi Meir Karelitz about a donation to Keren Ha'Shmitah. Shevat 1946.
A rare official postcard by Rabbi Hadaya. With a handwritten inscription of the addressee and his stamp.
Rabbi Ovadya Hadaya (1890-1969) the son of the kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Hadaya, a member if Beit Ha'Din Ha'Gadol of Jerusalem and founder of the "Beit El" kabbalists yeshiva. Author of the series of books "Yaskil Avdi" Responsa, eight sections and additional books.
G. The Forsazt leaf of the book "Tikunei Ha'Zohar" with interesting handwritten inscriptions about the buying of the book and the signature of the kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Hadaya.
Rabbi Shalom Hadaya (1864-1945) one of the most prominent rabbis of Jerusalem and the eldest of the kabbalists of the "Beit El" Yeshiva. Rosh Av Beit Din of the Sephardic community of Jerusalem. The father of the kabbalist Rabbi Ovadya Hadaya. Since 1936, he corresponded with Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman on Kabbalistic matters. His composition "Shalom La'Am" was printed in Aleppo in 1896.
H. Letter of greeting to the wealthy Mr. Zion Yissacharoff for his donation to the poor of Jerusalem by the kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef Munsa. Hand-signed by him. The 4th of Tishrei 1938.
The kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef Munsa (1880-1954) was born in Damascus. After immigrating to the Land of israel, he lived in Jerusalem and founded the "Emet Ve'Shalom" kabbalists yeshiva in the Bukharim neighborhood of Jerusalem. He also founded the Kabbalistic "Yagdil Torah" Yeshiva. Was a leading disciple of the kabbalist Rabbi Shaul Dweik Ha'Cohen studdying kabbala with him from midnight till dawn.
I. Letter of greeting to the wealthy Mr. Zion Yissacharoff handwritten and signed by the kabbalist Rabbi Eliyahu Moshe Ma'aravi. Tishrei 1938.
Rabbi Eliyahu Ma'aravi (1873-1955) was born in Damascus and was influenced by his rabbi, Rabbi Chaim Shaul Dweik Ha'Cohen,to immigrate to the Land of Israel. There he studied Torah and kabbala at the "Rechovot Ha'Nahar" Yeshiva. Author of "Pe'at Ha'Sadeh".
J. Long letter handwritten and signed by the kabbalist Rabbi Yehoshua Sharabani to Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin. In his letter, Rabbi Sharabani appeals to Rabbi Sorotzkin for several Torah scholars who are prevented from receiving monetary assistance. Jerusalem 1952.
The kabbalist Rabbi Yehoshua Sharabani of Jerusalem was born in Bagdad in 1879 and was a disciple of the Ben Ish Chai. He immigrated to the Land of Israel in 1905. He studied at the "Rechovot Ha'Nahar" Yeshiva of Jerusalem with Rabbi Ya'akov Chaim Sofer, author of "Kaf Ha'Chaim". He died in 1873, being almost a hundred years old.
K. Document of testimony of "waiver of claims regarding a legacy". Na Amun 1920. Signed by the Dayanim of Alexandria, the rabbis: Rabbi Yosef Pitzdi and Rabbi Daniel Ne'eman. On the margins of the letter, an addition of two lines handwritten and signed by the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Avraham Avichzir. With stamp of the "Beit Din".
Rabbi Avraham Avichzir (1866-1944) a kabbalist, Chief Rabbi of Alexandria. He studied with Rabbi Elazar Ben Tovo (the would-be Rosh Av Beit Din of the Ma'aravim community of Jerusalem). When he passed through Alexandria, he was asked to remain there and after the death of Rabbi Eliyahu Chazan replaced him as the rabbi of Alexandria. In 1928 he immigrated to Jerusalem.
L. Ancient receipt for a donation, filled out by hand and signed by Rabbi Ezra Shrim – the son of the kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Shrim.
Rabbi Ezra Shrim was called by the rabbis of the Porat Yosef Yeshiva "the father of the yeshiva". A Torah scholar and Maggid at the Porat Yosef Yeshiva since 1923 and eventually, its manager.
M. Ancient leaf in Sephardic script of various Segulot and names of angels.
Varying sizes and conditions.
Condition: Good-Very Good.